Pallet racking systems are something many of us do not think too much about, if we think about them at all, but you know what? They are actually a pretty vital part of many businesses. Particularly those companies that are involved in warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing. 

Pallet racking systems are important because they enable businesses to store and organise their goods more efficiently. Maximising the available floor space, and vertical space. So that maximum flow and capacity can be achieved.

Despite their importance, and how commonly used they are in business. There are a number of misconceptions about racking systems that can lead to confusion when companies come to buy them. So, let’s set the record straight and ensure you make the right choices for your business when buying your next racking systems.


Misconception 1: All Pallet Racking Systems Are the Same

Something that a lot of people think is that pallet racking systems are all basically the same. You can see why people think this if they only take a surface look at the systems. It could not be further from the truth. 

The fact of the matter is, racking systems in Queensland come in a wide variety of designs so businesses looking to buy a system will need to ensure that the racking system they select has been tailored to the kind of storage they need.

For example, selective pallet racking is the most common type you can buy. It offers direct access to each pallet. It is probably best suited to businesses that need to rotate their stock very regularly. Whereas, drive-in racking systems are ideal for companies who require high-density storage. As it will enable them to store pallets several deep while allowing all pallets to be accessed from the same entry point. So, it is more suited to companies who stock lots of the same thing. Therefore, do not need to worry about rotating their stock on a regular basis.

Then we have cantilever racking, which is designed to safely and effectively store things that are a bit longer. Such as timber or pipes, and push-back racking systems, which let you load pallets from one side and which will then automatically slide forward when a pallet is removed. 

There really is no one size fits all, and you need to think carefully before choosing the right one for you.


Misconception 2: Pallet Racking is Universally Expensive

So many people think that pallet shipping systems are too expensive to even consider, unless they happen to be a larger business with a bigger budget. This is nonsense! Sure, you can spend a lot of money on pallet tracking systems in Queensland if you want to. You will always need to make an investment in racking systems upfront. By doing so is actually a lot more affordable than you might think. Especially when you take the long-term benefits of having it into account. Not only that, there are a wide range of options available to suit different budgets.

The initial cost of pallet racking systems can vary depending on the type of racking, the materials used, and the size of the installation. However, these costs are often offset by the increased efficiency, improved space utilisation, and the ability to store more stock in a smaller area. Which in turn reduces operational costs. So, particularly those operating in industries with high storage demands, pallet racking systems offer significant returns on investment. It’s important to view racking as a long-term solution that will help optimise your storage operations rather than just focusing on the upfront expense.

Misconception 3: Pallet Racking is Difficult to Maintain

Many businesses avoid installing pallet racking systems for too long because they believe that they are too hard, and too expensive to maintain. In actual fact, if pallet racking systems are well-designed and properly installed, they are pretty essay to maintain. With routine inspections and prompt repairs to any damaged components. Pallet racking systems can last for many years without significant maintenance issues.

That being said, it is really important that you carry out regular safety checks on your pallet racking systems in Queensland because wear and tear can be an issue over time. If there are any accidental collisions with forklifts, for example, tracking components can suffer. 

Carrying out regular inspections will, as a result, ensure that any issues are caught early on. So that you can repair them faster and prevent any more serious issues from arising. Other than that, keeping your racks in good shape is not too taxing at all.

Misconception 4: Pallet Racking Systems Are Unsafe

On the subject of safety, some businesses think that they are inherently unsafe, so they do not get pallet racking systems installed. In reality they would make a big difference to the efficiency of their operations.

Well, the good news is, racking systems are perfectly safe if they are installed correctly and used correctly too. Meaning that, if you are planning to buy pallet racking systems in Queensland, you will need to follow the proper installation and safety protocols and train your staff to do so too. But, since this basically just means hiring professionals for installation, training staff on safe loading and unloading practices. Also sticking to weight limits, it is not too difficult to implement.

Misconception 5: Pallet Racking Systems Lack Flexibility

Another myth is that pallet racking systems are rigid and inflexible, making them unsuitable for businesses with changing storage needs. On the contrary, racking systems are highly versatile and can be easily modified or expanded to accommodate different types of goods or to grow with your business.

Many systems, such as adjustable selective racking, allow for reconfiguration to suit different pallet sizes or weights. Additionally, modular racking systems can be expanded as your business grows, offering a scalable solution that evolves with your operations.

No more misconceptions!