Pallet Valentine’s Day: How to Love Your Pallets?

It’s that time of the year again when Brisbane is filled with Valentine’s day shop signage, restaurants filled with couples only, red roses and the odd public display of affection. The 14th of February is always filled with love quotes and songs that tug people’s heartstrings. It is the moment where people celebrate love with their partners, friends, family and some all by themselves.  Many Queensland, Australia store shelves are filled with sweet treats, colorful flowers and fluffy stuffed toys, all ready for mass consumption. But aside from sending and showing affection through gift-giving, Valentines day is a cue for Brisbane business owners to take a loving look at their pallet racking. Want to have a long-term relationship with your industrial storage systems? Here are some ways to show a bit of warehouse love!

Show Some Quality Time

Photo Courtesy of Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay

               In every relationship, bonding time is important. The less attention you give to your love the greater the chance the bond weakens. Similarly with pallet racking, constant attention is not just important, it’s essential. The durability of racking may be long-term but it’s not eternal. It is susceptible to wear and tear. Moreover, nuts and bolts may loosen, loading signs will fade and overloading can lead to unstable racking. Just like any relationship, ignored damages can result in serious injury or death.

Your workers are at great risk of unseen racking damage. Employee injury is a scenario no business wants. In order for you to prevent it, take time to understand the importance of Australia’s warehouse safety guidelines. Knowing the safety basics is essential for your weekly WHS inspections. Additionally, there are a lot of pallet racking experts that can provide racking inspection on an annual basis. Hiring services from specialists will definitely ensure your warehouse racking is in its best condition and all guidelines are complied.

Valentine’s Day Takeaway: “Attention is a form of commitment. Use time wisely before everything else fails and fades.”

Better Be Safe than Sorry

Photo Courtesy of Vargazs via Pixabay

          External voices from people around your relationship can be intoxicating. Relationships often fall apart because of perceptions from other people who don’t have a firm grasp about you and your partner. Taking care of your racking is much like this. It’s not always about the racking but also the elements that make up your warehouse storage system. The forklifts, workers, spacing, equipment and warehouse design are the elements that may directly affect your racking. Ensure a strict safety and healthy workplace by doing the following; (1) implement a good housekeeping system, (2) provide regular education for workers, (3) label items and areas correctly, and (4) invest in PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for your employees. By doing this, pallet racking collisions brought by accidents, incorrect material handling, and incompetent truck maneuvering will be prevented. Thus, your product and your business will reap long-term benefits.

Valentine’s Day Takeaway: “Be safe with people around or you’ll be sorry. Be safe with your warehouse and your staff will go home safely each day.”

Guard Your Heart and Guard Your Pallets

Photo Courtesy of ShonEjai via Pixabay

            A well-known love quote says, “Guard your heart above all else for everything flows from it.” The same thing goes with pallet racking protection. Guard your racking by installing some physical guards.  Warehouse racking protection is one of the most neglected procedures of many business owners. In general rule, a damaged rack equates to damaged goods. Your racks are part of your success, start protecting them with some of these recommendations:

  • Down-Aisle Protection – this type of pallet racking protection is ideal in warehouse with smaller aisles making a tight turning radius for forklift trucks. Down-aisle pallet protectors are also helpful in guiding equipment throughout your system. Over-all, it protects your racking systems, pallets as well as your inventory.
  • End-of-row Protection – Row end protectors prevent equipment or trucks from direct frame collision. Since this type of pallet protection covers the exposed end of the racking, damages are minimized and pallets are secured.
  • Upright Protection – Column guards are highly recommended to avoid column damages and rack breakdowns. Bumps and collisions are generally expected inside the warehouse, column protectors act as your first defense system against damage. There are two well-known column guard types, the plastic column and steel column protectors. Both types are easy to install with high level of security and protection.

Valentine’s Day Takeaway: “Prevention is better than cure. And in warehouse, protection is better than damages and additional expenses.”

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